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A fun game that teaches you how to type or type faster. Designed for personal use and use in schools.

Personal Use
More than a game — an epic quest that teaches keyboarding to beginners and reinforces proper technique for experienced typists.

A complete curriculum to bring your keyboarding course alive! Everything teachers need is included. Choose online or offline versions.
For Schools

Don't you wish you could type faster with better accuracy?

Perhaps you use the hunt-and-peck typing method?

Typing is an essential skill for personal and career success!

Finish your school and job tasks quicker.

Have more free time.

Be more productive, take on more tasks, and succeed at school and at work.
Learning proper technique is not easy. Mastering and maintaining proper technique is even harder. GoVenture Typing makes it fun!
GoVenture Typing is a fun and engaging game that teaches keyboarding to beginners and reinforces proper technique for experienced typists. It's designed for personal use and use in schools.

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